Path of Exile - Metamorph Ends Soon - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points

Metamorph Ends Soon - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points

Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:32 PM PST

: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Metamorph Ends Soon - Get a Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points

Posted: 05 Mar 2020 07:31 PM PST

Metamorph Ends Soon
The Metamorph League on PC ends on Monday March 9th at 2PM PDT. This means you have only a few days left to complete your unfinished challenges!

Thank you to everyone who played in Metamorph! We're not saying goodbye to Tane and his dangerous experiments, and hope they'll keep challenging you as part of Path of Exile's core in 3.10.0.

50 Point Sale
We've just started a 50 Point Sale with a huge variety of cosmetic effects available for only 50 points or less, including Skill Effects, Pets, Hideout Decorations and many more. Check out the full list of specials by pressing M in game.

The 50 Point Sale will run from the time of this post until Mar 9, 2020 8:00 PM (PDT).

In case you need points for this sale, we recommend checking out our new Delirium Supporter Packs!

The Past Mystery Boxes Return
For a limited time we're bringing back some of the past Mystery Boxes to the store, so you've got another chance to get the community-popular cosmetic effects, such as the Sin and Innocence or Glimmerwood microtransactions for only 30 points! Here is a list of the Mystery Boxes available:
  • Stormcaller Mystery Box
  • Chaos and Order Mystery Box
  • Fire and Ice Mystery Box
  • Sin and Innocence Mystery Box
  • Apocalypse Mystery Box
  • Oriath Mystery Box
  • Fairgraves Mystery Box
  • Glimmerwood Mystery Box
  • Frontier Mystery Box
All the Mystery Boxes listed above will be available all weekend until Mar 9, 2020 8:00 PM (PDT).

Get a Free Polaris Mystery Box When You Spend Points
In addition, until the launch of Delirium we're offering one free Polaris Mystery Box when you spend any amount of points in the store. This means you can purchase a discounted cosmetic effect on the 50 Point Sale, one of the returned Mystery Boxes or any other microtransaction and receive one Polaris Mystery Box as a gift from us.

Please note: it's only possible to get one free Polaris Mystery Box from this promotion. Making additional microtransaction purchases will not grant additional mystery boxes. Purchasing a supporter pack will not grant a free Mystery Box but spending points from a supporter pack can grant a free Mystery Box.

What to Expect Next Week
The Delirium expansion launches in just seven days, so the upcoming week will be packed with useful information. This time our usual pre-launch news schedule has been slightly changed: the Balance Manifesto which would normally be posted on Tuesday (NZT) will be replaced with a full list of the new notables available from the Cluster Jewels system. Other than that we don't expect any changes to our news schedule, so here it is (this schedule follows New Zealand's Monday to Friday work days, but in other countries might be Sunday to Thursday):
  • Mon: Delirium Challenge Rewards.
  • Tue: Notables from the Cluster Jewels System.
  • Wed: 3.10.0 Patch Notes, Passive Tree and Item Filter Information.
  • Thu: Showcase of the new and reworked gems (at Level 20 with 20% Quality).
  • Fri: What to expect when Delirium launches and possibly a torrent pre-download for the patch.
By the way, our game designers Neon and Rory will appear on the Baeclast podcast this Sunday March 8th at 12AM (PDT) to discuss the Delirium expansion and to answer some of your questions. Click here, if you'd like to submit your question for this podcast. Check it out live at!

Thank you so much for your support! See you next week!

Changes to Spectres and Movement Skills in Path of Exile: Delirium

Posted: 05 Mar 2020 03:57 PM PST

In Path of Exile: Delirium we've made a variety of adjustments to some movement skills and introduced hundreds of new monster types to the pool of spectre possibilities.

Movement Skills
In the interest of giving players more competitive choices when picking a movement skill, we've made various improvements to some skills and have introduced a new Support Gem called Second Wind. Flame Dash was by far the most popular movement skill because of its versatility but with these changes we've given the other skills more niche uses that should make them more compelling choices.

The new Second Wind support adds an additional cooldown count to skills that already have a cooldown (excluding instant or triggered skills). This means you can use them one extra time before the cooldown prevents their use. This allows two uses in rapid succession for skills that usually only have one use like Blink Arrow or Dash, or four uses on Flame Dash or Smoke Mine.

The intention of its design is to improve travel skills and encourage investment into them but it also has some other interesting uses on certain skills like Frost Bomb. It also gives supported skills a small amount of Cooldown Recovery Speed as the gem levels, which is great for skills that usually have very little access to this bonus.

Here are some of the changes we've made to some travel skills:
  • Dash now gains travel distance as it levels, and works particularly well with Second Wind to be able to travel long distances in a short time.
  • Frostblink now deals damage and places chilled ground at both the start and end of the movement, and counts enemies at both areas to reduce its cooldown. This makes it great for both moving into and out of a fight. It also travels further than before, and gains travel distance as it levels. It can't be supported by Second Wind because it is instant. To compensate for this, it has received more improvements than other skills mentioned here.
  • Flame Dash has had its increased Cooldown Recovery Speed per level lowered slightly, as it was slightly above curve and does benefit from the Second Wind support.
  • Lightning Warp has had its cast time lowered and has a higher value of reduced Skill Effect Duration than before. This makes it easier to invest in but still requires more character investment than other movement skills as a trade-off for having no cooldown.
It's worth noting that Blink Arrow hasn't received any changes but works well with the Second Wind support. Alongside Dash, you can have a very mobile bow-based character. Travel Attacks also haven't been changed at this time but we'd like to add more attack-movement diversity in the future.

Changes to Spectres

We've added over 350 new monster types to the pool of possible monsters which can be used for Spectres. These are monsters that were not previously usable as spectres for technical reasons, such as unusual spawning behaviour or skills that only function in a specific context. Among them are monsters from Abyss, Delve, Betrayal, Synthesis, Legion and Conquerors of the Atlas content. Some of these monsters utilise skills that are fairly new and different to skills that are used by existing spectres so should allow for some new options for spectre builds.

We've gone through these monsters to make the appropriate AI and skill mechanic changes to ensure that they're able to still use their skills as spectres. Outside of these small improvements they remain relatively unchanged from their delightfully monstrous states.

In addition to this, all monsters that can be used as spectres can now also have corpses spawned using Desecrate once you have a spectre of them. Monster corpses that were previously impossible to spawn with Desecrate still can't be spawned unless you have a spectre of them (or entered the current area with a spectre of them), so you'll have to first find those monsters in the wild. Corpses that despawn shortly after death will still do so (unless created by Desecrate), as it's vital for performance in many cases. So you'll have to be quick off the mark with your spectre raising!

We plan to keep doing this in the future to ensure a steady supply of new spectres. If you happen to find a monster that you'd like to see as a spectre but isn't currently supported, please let us know!

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