PUBG - PC & Console Patch Notes - Update 15.2

PC & Console Patch Notes - Update 15.2

Posted: 04 Jan 2022 11:01 PM PST

Free to Play Transition

Hello, Survivors. PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS has advanced through various platforms to share its unique Battle Royale experience with a broader audience. Now with our free-to-play transition, we want to further expand our community, provide faster matchmaking, and the opportunity to meet more opponents. After the transition free-to-play, BATTLEGROUNDS Plus account is added and all players who have owned and played PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS before the free-to-play service transition will automatically receive the PUBG – SPECIAL COMMEMORATIVE PACK.

We look forward to sharing our unique Battle Royale experience with more survivors. For details on the free play service transition, please check the Free-to-Play Announcement[].

Live Maintenance Schedule 
Please note that the maintenance time may take longer than usual, as we will be updating each platform's store and distributing rewards to our existing players. The Test Server will close along with the Live Server Maintenance. Due to the transition to free-to-play, the 15.2 Live Server will go under  maintenance at the same time on both PC and Console. 
  • Free-to-play Service Transition: After the live server maintenance on January 12, 2022.
  • Server Maintenance Schedule
    • PST: January 10, 2022 10 AM – Until maintenance end on January 12, 2022 (TBD)
    • CET: January 10, 2022 7 PM – Until maintenance end on January 12, 2022
    • KST: January 11, 2022 3 AM – Until maintenance end on January 12, 2022
15.2 Highlights
To be updated with the Live Server update.

※ Please keep in mind that the features and updates we provide below may be modified or even possibly removed due to reasons such as bugs, in-game issues, and/or community feedback. We will update our players if such changes occur.

Gameplay Updates

New Feature: Tactical Gear 

We've decided to introduce a whole new category of tactical items, Tactical Gear, that strays from pure gunplay to provide our players various options for improving their in-game performances.

As Tactical Gear will be taking up players' primary weapon slots, we hope this will allow players to come up with more creative long-term strategies.

Tactical Gear: Drone

The Drone is a Tactical Gear that allows players to scout a far distance safely and even pick up an item without facing the risk of direct combat.

  • Drones will spawn in every map.
  • Drones will be available in Normal Matches, Custom Games, Training Mode, and Sandbox Mode.
  • Once players loot and equip the drone, they can hold the Drone Tablet in their hands.
  • Players can then toggle in and out of Drone View.
    • The Drone will launch into the air once players toggle into Drone View.
    • A Drone in flight will make noise and have a distinctive blinking light.
    • A deployed Drone will be identifiable by a unique drone icon both on the map and minimap.
    • In Drone View, players' characters will stop moving and give up control of their body as they fly around in the perspective of the Drone.
    • If players toggle out of Drone View, the Drone will remain hovering in its current position.
  • Players can recall a Drone in flight.
    • When a recall is initiated, the Drone will attempt to fly back in a straight line to the spot the player recalled it.
    • The Drone will fly back to the location the player first recalled it.
    • When the recall is in progress, the recall will be stopped if the player attempts to use the Drone Tablet.
    • When the recall is in progress, the recall will be stopped if the player uses the recall feature again.
    • The Drone can not avoid obstacles or move through solid objects while being recalled.
  • The Drone has a large 300m operation radius that players must stay in while flying the Drone.
    • The Drone alerts players with a warning message and a static screen when it's within 90m of its maximum operation radius.
    • If the Drone leaves its operation radius, it will get destroyed and players will need to retrieve it and repair the Drone to use it again.
  • The Drone has a maximum HP of 35 and can take damage from various things.
    • A Drone can be damaged by
      • Gunfire
      • Explosions
      • Fire
      • Water
      • Flying outside of the operation radius
      • Vehicle collision
    • When the Drone's HP reaches 0, it will fall to the ground and get destroyed. Players must retrieve the Drone and repair it to use it again.
  • A Drone can loot a single item to its single inventory slot.
    • For example, a stack of bandages (5) is also considered a single item.
    • Drones can not pick up items from Care Packages, deathboxes, and trunks.
    • Players in Drone View are also able to drop the held item any time.
    • Players can receive the Drone's held item by recalling the Drone.
  • Players will be able to ping normally while toggled in Drone View.
    • The ping icon will be displayed as a regular ping.
Drone Action
Console (PlayStation®)
Console (Xbox)
Console (Stadia)
Player has the Drone equipped and Drone Tablet in hand
Switch to Drone View
Left Click (fire key)
R2 Button
Right Trigger (RT)
Right Trigger (RT)
Recall Drone
Right Click (alt action key)
L2 Button
Left Trigger (LT)
Left Trigger (LT)
Player has a damaged Drone in hand
Repair Drone
Left Click (fire key)
R2 Button
Right Trigger (RT)
Right Trigger (RT)
In Drone View
Fly forward
L3 Button
Left Stick Button
Left Stick
Fly backwards
L3 Button
Left Stick Button
Left Stick
Fly left
L3 Button
Left Stick Button
Left Stick
Fly right
L3 Button
Left Stick Button
Left Stick
Fly up
Spacebar (jump key)
R2 Button
Right Trigger (RT)
Right Trigger (RT)
Fly down
C (crouch key)
L2 Button
Left Trigger (LT)
Left Trigger (LT)
Fly faster
Hold Left Shift (sprint key)
R1 Button
Right Bumper (RB)
Right Bumper (RB)
Fly slower
Hold Left Ctrl (walk key)
L1 Button
Left Bumper (LB)
Left Bumper (LB)
Pick up item
F (interact key)
Square Button
Drop holding item
F (interact key)
Square Button
Switch to Player View
Left Click (fire key)
Circle Button
Map Ping
Middle Click (map ping key)
R3 Button
Right Stick Button
Right Stick

Tactical Gear: EMT Gear

The EMT Gear is a Tactical Gear that allows players to opt into increased healing potential for both themselves and their team at the cost of reduced combat flexibility.

  • The EMT Gear will spawn in every map.
    • 2 stacks of bandages (10) will spawn alongside the EMT Gear.
  • The EMT Gear will be available in Normal Matches, Custom Games, Training Mode, and Sandbox Mode.
  • Players will receive numerous passive benefits with the EMT Gear, regardless of if they're holding it or have it stowed away.
    • It will only take 3 seconds to use healing items such as bandages, First Aid Kits, and Med Kits.
    • It will only take 3 seconds to revive a knocked down teammate.
    • Players can walk much faster when using healing items than when normally using healing items.
    • Bandages and First Aid Kits can heal players to max health.
    • Med Kits will give full boost to players.
  • Players with the EMT Gear equipped will gain an ability to interact with damaged teammates.
    • Players can spend one of their own healing items on their teammate. 
    • Players can toggle between different healing items on the bottom screen where a weapon's fire mode would normally be displayed.
      • The display would also show the number of the selected heal item that the player has in their inventory.
  • The EMT Gear will NOT grant the following boosts when used in the Blue Zone:
    • Healing boosts (teammates can still be healed)
    • Shortened revival time
EMT Gear Action
Console (PlayStation®)
Console (Xbox)
Console (Stadia)
Player has the Trauma Bag equipped and in hand
Player heals self
Left Click
R2 Button
Right Trigger
Right Trigger
Toggle selected healing item
Right Click / B key
L2 / 'Left' D-pad
Left Trigger / 'Left' D-pad
Left Trigger / 'Left' D-pad
Use selected heal or boost item on self
'-' (minus) key 
'Down' D-pad
'Down' D-pad
'Down' D-pad
Player heals teammate in range
Square Button
Player revives knocked down teammate
Square Button
In the Inventory
Player heals self using highlighted heal item
Right Click
X Button

New Mode: Tutorials 

To create a richer gameplay experience for not only new players but also for returning players, we are adding two in-game tutorial modes that provide a step-by-step process. As for returning players who haven't accessed our game for months, these tutorials will help you revive your rusty battle skills before you're ready to plunge back into action.

Tutorial 1: Basic Training Mode

  • Players will go through five stages in this mode:
    • Basic character movements
    • Looting and shooting guns
    • Looting and throwing throwables
    • Using healing items
    • Reviving knocked down teammate
  • New and returning players must complete this mode first to proceed to the next AI Training Match tutorial.
  • Current players who feel the need to practice are also free to access this mode in the Training tab.

Tutorial 2: AI Training Match

  • Players will be facing 99 bots in this mock game mode to grasp the flow of how an actual normal match would look and feel like.
  • Map: Erangel
  • Only supports TPP.
  • During each situation and phase, messages will pop up in the upper left corner of the screen to guide players on what to do.
  • Players can complete this mode by satisfying one of the following conditions:
    • Play 10 AI Training Matches (Players must play longer than a certain time each match to be counted.)
    • Complete every mission
      • Players can find the mission list in the game mode selection screen and/or in the System Menu.
  • Current players may also play up to 10 AI Training Matches per account.
    • Since PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS provides the fun of coming up with strategies to use against real enemies in a battle royale setting, we believe the 10 match limit in AI Training Matches is just enough for players who need the practice.
  • New and returning players who complete this mode before playing all 10 matches will still be able to play the remaining matches left.
  • AI Training Matches will NOT affect/provide:
    • Career (Stats/Match History/Medals/Survival/Weapons/Replays)
    • Pass Missions
    • Event Missions
    • Battlestat
    • BP Rewards
    • XP Rewards
    • Custom Match
New and returning players will not be able to play other game modes before they complete the tutorials. (However, you'll be able to play normal matches if you're in a party.)

Lobby Tutorial Missions

  • We have prepared extra missions to help players get used to our game once they are done with the two tutorials.
  • Players can check the Events page to see their mission lists and each mission's progress.
  • All missions will be automatically accepted.
  • Players who complete the missions will be able to receive various rewards.
    • Once players receive every reward, the mission list will disappear.
  • Lobby tutorial missions and their rewards are only provided once per account.

Training Mode 

We've made some big improvements to our current Training Mode based on our community's feedback to create a more effective and efficient space for players wanting to hone their skills.

Training Helper

In the current Training Mode, we noticed that players had to roam about finding and looting needed weapons, ammo, and attachments. Furthermore, in order to practice using several guns, players had to stay near the gun spawning area to conveniently switch weapons.

Therefore, we would like to introduce the new Training Helper! With this feature, players will be able to whip up any weapon or item any time, anywhere.
  • To bring up the Training Helper, press:
    • PC: ',' (comma) key
    • PlayStation®: Touchpad button hold
    • Xbox: View button hold
    • Stadia: Google Assistant button hold
  • The maximum number of items a player can summon is 200.
    • Each item summon will be counted as 1.
      • For example, even if a player summons 30 rounds of ammo, it will be counted as 1 summon.
    • Vehicles and specific throwables can not be summoned.
  • Players will now be able to adjust sensitivity with the Training Helper right away without having to go in Settings every time.

Practice Range

As we observed players practicing their aiming and shooting on the walls, we decided to implement a proper system where players could practice all they want without any interference.

Therefore, a private indoor target practice area has been built into Training Mode.
  • Players can enter this private area through the indoor range door.
  • Even if multiple players enter simultaneously, players will end up arriving at their own training domain alone – like magic.
  • Once inside, players can use the buttons in front of the shooting target to adjust the target's distance or to reset its state.
  • Two monitors will be available on the left for further assistance: the lower monitor will display a close-up of your shots while the upper monitor will present your scores.
    • The left side of the scores is the number of bullets that hit the target; the right side is the percentage of your bullets landing within the target's circle.
  • The score will not calculate the shots that miss the target.

Shooting Target Improvements

We've modified and improved the shooting targets scattered around Training Mode.
  • We've added moving targets.
    • The speed and moving direction are set to random.
  • We've also added pop-up targets to the Practice Range.
    • Out of a total of 18 targets, 2 random targets are raised.
    • Once the player successfully hits one target, another random target will pop up.
Background Noise Reduction

To reduce the inconvenience players feel when getting distracted by other players' noises, a noise reduction feature has been implemented.

  • This feature will reduce the noise of other players such as gun shots, movements, vehicles, and more.
  • This feature is enabled automatically and players will not be able to turn it off.
  • This feature will not reduce every background noise as we have set our priority to reducing the main noises that bother other players. However, we will continue to improve this feature.
Adding Mortars
Mortars and their ammo have been added to Training Mode.

Action Queuing

With the Action Queue feature, players can queue up their next desired action by pressing and holding the button while a certain action is in progress. The action will immediately perform after the action in progress ends. For example, if you hold the firing key while reloading, the gun fires immediately after the reload action ends. We already have various action queues applied, but we want to respond to a long-requested community feedback by applying them to more cases to improve the flexibility and responsiveness of game controls.
  • Action Queuing is added to shooting, inventory navigating, various moving actions and etc. 
  • The action bound to the key held will activate after queuing.
  • This feature is turned off as default. Please turn on from the Settings.
    • Go to Settings – Game Play – Functionalities to turn on/off the feature.

Win94 & VSS Improvements

We wanted to allow fans of the Win94 to use the Iron Sight again, especially for very close combat where a scope is less ideal.
  • Players can switch between the scopes and iron sights with the help of a functional flip sight.
  • The Win94 will continue to have no sight attachment slot as the Iron Sight is attached by default.


The VSShad a ~3.5X Scope, and this was the only available sight to fire the weapon in ADS with no sight attachments allowed. It has the potential to be useful on short range, however it can be a bit awkward to fight ADS in close quarters with the Scope. We hope this update allows players to fight more easily in close quarters.
  • Now you can attach a Canted Sight on the VSS.
PGC feature removal

We hope to see you all in the next PGC!
  • Switched the lobby theme.
  • Removed the digital display and graffiti.
  • Removed the plane banner.
  • Removed the 2021 PGC loading screen.
  • Removed the live stream screens.
KAKAO FRIENDS and Christmas theme removal

We previously planned to provide "Christmas Weather" only during the collaboration with KAKAO FRIENDS. But, due to the request from the community, we decided to keep it with a slightly lower probability. 
  • Removed KAKAO FRIENDS Collaboration-theme.
  • Replaced the current digital display image with the default image.
  • Brought back the previous Vikendi minimap.
  • Removed the Christmas theme.
DBNO Balance 
Have you ever been in that awkward situation where you got killed shortly after entering DBNO by being attacked? It gets frustrating when you've just looted all the things you need but soon die, especially in the early stages of the match. This DBNO adjustment focuses on decreasing the amount of annoying DBNO executions which may ruin the game experience. 
  • Extended entering the DBNO time.
    • Lengthen the 'going into DBNO' animation time which would increase the invulnerability time from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Tweaked the DBNO bleed out time.
    • 1st knock: 83 seconds → 90 seconds
    • 2nd knock: 25 seconds → 30 seconds
    • 3rd knock: 13 seconds → 30 seconds
    • 4th knock: 9 seconds → 10 seconds
    • 5th knock: 7 seconds → 7 seconds(no changes)
    • 6th knock: 5 seconds(new)
    • 7th knock: 4 seconds(new)
    • 8th knock: 3 seconds(new)
    • 9th knock: 2 seconds(new)
  • Increased DBNO movement by 10%.
    • Movement speed while DBNO underwater remains the same. 
  • Reduced the Frag Grenade damage when in DBNO by 20%.
  • DThe damage received while wearing level 3 armor is now applied in all conditions, including when not wearing anything.
  • SR guns and crossbows, including Win94, are not affected by the DBNO balance, and damage has been increased.
    • SR: 35% increase
    • Crossbow: 12.5% increase
    • SR and Crossbows apply damage by armor conditions.
  • There are no changes in damage received from weapons not mentioned above.
Screen Ping Marker

We've improved the existing ping system and added the ability to display the ping on the screen where the player can see. We expect this will enable faster and more clear communication between squad mates.
  • Available in all Solo, Duo and Squad Modes.
  • Not available in Ranked and Esports Modes.
How to place a screen/map ping marker
  • Point your crosshair where you want to ping and click the mouse wheel, click on the world map or press the insert button.
    • Xbox/Stadia: R Stick
    • PlayStation: R3
  • Ping markers are distinguishable by the following three categories.
    • Vehicles
    • Location
    • Everything else
Hows to remove Screen, Map Pick Markers
  • One player can place one Ping Marker at a time.
  • Previous Ping Marker is removed when placing a new Ping Marker.
  • Previous Ping Marker is removed when creating a tactical marker.
  • Press the Delete key to remove both Screen and Map Ping Markers at the same time. 
    • When you remove pings with the Delete button after placing them with Radio Message, the Radio Message will remain.
    • This feature is not supported on Consoles.  
Minimap Improvements
We have improved the quality of the minimap so that the terrain is displayed more intuitively.
  • We have applied the same quality of curves in the map to the mini-map. In addition, the bridges are displayed in the same way as the roads.

Lobby Updates
UI/UX 2.0 
PUBG: BATTLEGROUNDS' entire out-game appearance has nicely groomed itself to transform into a fresh new look for all current, returning, and new players. With this huge UI/UX update, players will find both in-game and lobby interfaces to be more accessible, convenient, and complete.

Lobby Interface Improvements

Our main lobby had maintained its interface since the good old Early Access days… therefore, we have tucked the current destructive, dystopian atmosphere away and applied dark green and sandy colors, dense and subtle dotted textures to express a more modern theme.
  • Lobby Menu
    • The navigation bar has been moved from the left to the very center to minimize players' movements when moving between the menus and tabs.
    • The area for fixed menus and irregular menus (such as Esports) have been divided up.
    • The currency area (G-COIN, BP, etc.) have been banished from the navigation bar as they couldn't coexist with the lobby menus.
  • Matchmaking Settings
    • Players will no longer have to waste time opening up a pop-up just to change the game mode. They can now select game modes in the lobby.
    • However, players will still be able to change game modes through the current pop-up system – when they do, details on the selected map will now be available as well.
  • News Page/Patch Notes Area
  • (news page/patch notes area image) 
    • The upper right corner of the lobby has a new popover feature that shows News previews.
    • Numerous layouts have been applied so they could shift accordingly to fit and show the increasing amount of new community and events news.
    • A button that directs players to social channels or community sites has been added.
    • Players can now read the Patch Notes in the lobby.
      • As for console players, they will be directed to the Patch Notes on the official website.
      • Multiple languages have been added to specific languages.

In addition to the changes stated above, players will be able to discover updates we've made to other out-game elements such as the Notification Center, Store, Create Your Character screen, the Hideout, the Setting Menu for consoles, etc. and other in-game elements as well such as the Settings, Report User window, in-game messages, and so much more!

  • Indication of the number of new items in each category on the left side of ITEMS for five days. 
    • Notification marker does not go away even after checking out the new item.
  • The icon displayed in the set item slot has been improved so that it displays the same as the actual icon of the component.
  • Item slot will change colors when there is less than a week left and then highlighted when there is less than 24 hours of time left before the sale ends. 

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