Paladins - This Week in the Realm | November 29-December 5

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This Week in the Realm | November 29-December 5

Posted: 29 Nov 2021 06:56 AM PST

Welcome back Champions to another week in Paladins!
We hope everyone had a great weekend with our 2X Event Pass XP bonus to grind through your Dark Depths Event Pass!

To update everyone, we have a hotfix that will go out soon regarding the recent sound bug in-game. As stated last week, we will update you on our social media as soon as it is ready to go live. In addition to that, we are still investigating an issue with our Salt Io skin where she is not available for Direct Purchase. Until we solve this issue, she is available in our Good Vibes Chest in the Paladins Store. We appreciate your patience and will update you as soon as we can!

Here's what is going on this week:

Snuggle Up Maeve Avatar:
  • Champions playing Paladins this weekend will have the chance to snag the Snuggle Up Avatar shown in our Absolution Update Notes[]. To obtain this avatar, players will need to play 2 (non-bot) games of the same mode in a row.
    • Live: Friday, December 3rd at 4AM EST
    • Ends: Monday, December 6th at 4AM EST
We'll see you in the Realm!

  • Come on down to Believe It, featuring a team of Kogas with increased movement speed and a team of Vatus with increased projectile speed, alongside increased ultimate charge across both teams.
    • Live: Friday, December 3rd at 12AM EST
    • Ends: Monday, December 6th at 12AM EST
Weekly Champion Rotation
***Rotates every Wednesday at 4AM ET***
  • Raum
  • Octavia
  • Maeve
  • Ying

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