Path of Exile - Solaris and Lunaris Statues and Mystery Bags Still Available

Solaris and Lunaris Statues and Mystery Bags Still Available

Posted: 07 Jul 2021 03:42 PM PDT

A couple of weeks ago, we announced that {LINK REMOVED} were available to those who were interested in purchasing the remaining merchandise stock that was sold at ExileCon. We still have a number of these available to purchase as well as a limited number of the exclusive Solaris and Lunaris statues that were created for the event.

We have around 1,000 mystery bags left, if you missed out on attending the event in person, this may be your last chance to purchase merchandise from ExileCon. You can find out more about the bags and how to purchase one of them {LINK REMOVED}.

We still have around 100 of the Solaris and Lunaris statues in stock. These statues were created for ExileCon and depict the eternal fight between Solaris and Lunaris; the goddesses of the sun and moon. If you would like more information on how to purchase one of these limited edition statues, visit our previous post {LINK REMOVED}.

Patch 3.14.3 - Engine Improvements Patch

Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:08 PM PDT

Earlier this week, we previewed patch 3.14.3 which includes internal engine improvements. The patch has just been deployed and you can find the full patch notes {LINK REMOVED} or below.

3.14.3 Patch Notes
Engine and Technical Changes:

In addition to the internal engine improvements in this patch, there are some technical changes for you to be aware of.
  • We have replaced the old Performance Metrics graphs {LINK REMOVED} that show a lot more information. We now graph several different metrics on the same graph and have bars that show relative load on different systems (CPU, GPU, System Memory, VRAM, Drive, Shader Compilation, Latency and the Instance Server). If one of these bars is maxing out, then that's the current bottleneck that you should consider upgrading. If critical issues such as insufficient VRAM are noticed, then the display will alert you to this.
  • If you are encountering performance issues and want to make a video of it to show us then please have the Performance Metrics graphs on, as they have lots of information about what is bottlenecking your performance.
  • If the Shaders bar alerts you about shader loading/saving being critically slow, consider changing what the drive that shader cache is stored on to a faster one. In the [GENERAL] section of the settings file, you can set cache_directory=x:\path\to\preferred\location to a folder on a faster drive.
  • Like before, you can cycle through the three Performance Metrics states (hidden, FPS/performance, latency-only) by pressing F1. In the settings file's [UI] section you can set performance_metrics_state=fps (or =latency or =hidden) to set the default state.
  • We have added a Gameplay tab to the Options panel and tidied up the Options.
  • We have removed the button in the Options panel that allows you to clear your local cache. This can still be done manually by advanced users that have a specific reason to. The button was causing players to clear their cache, which removes the significant performance benefits of having a cache. The cache is automatically cleared once every league launch.
  • We have removed the 32-bit Path of Exile client. Basically no one is running 32-bit versions of Windows anymore.
  • Vulkan users with less than 2600mb of VRAM are now unable to select High texture quality, as there isn't enough video memory for the high-quality textures. DirectX users can continue to select it, but like before, performance will suffer on low memory systems as DirectX swaps assets into and out of system memory to try to cope.
General Improvements and Crash Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where tutorial notifications were not showing on macOS.
  • Fixed a visual bug with Celestial Toxic Rain that caused flickering white boxes.
  • Fixed an instance crash.
We'll be keeping a close eye on players' reports of their experiences after this patch. As mentioned in the notes, if you are encountering performance issues and want to make a video of it to show us then please enable the new Performance Metrics graphs as the information will be very helpful in identifying the issue.

We look forward to your feedback about the upcoming patch.

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