Rust - Tech Tree Update

Tech Tree Update

Posted: 03 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST

This month we have added the tech tree which will give you the choice of how you unlock your blueprints, this has also led to a huge update on item crafting recipes, tiers and the loot you will find in airdrops and heli/bradley crates.

For more details follow the link[] to veiw the blog post!

  • Added Workbench Tech Tree
  • Fixed Stables safezone overlapping other monuments
  • Reduced Stables safezone slightly
  • Fixed top gap when placing vending machine inside a doorway
  • Fixed broken cave_large_sewers_hard culling volume section
  • Fixed unable to plant next to Pumpkin in phases mature, fruiting and dying while planted in a planter
  • Fixed modular car chassis allowing repair with a hammer (had no useful effect, only modules should allow for repair)
  • Fixed some spacing issues on sleeping bag buttons on death screen
  • Fixed some issues with Skull Spike skins
  • Fixed gib issues on Skull Spikes and crate_basic
  • Fixed camera clipping on vm chainsaw when wearing jacket
  • Kayak Paddle model and animation update
  • AND Switch Stackable
  • Audio Alarm Stackable
  • Binoculars no longer require a workbench
  • Blocker Stackable
  • Boats and rideable horses now spawn procedurally again
  • Button Stackable
  • Can now pick up Kayak with hammer, loses 25% condition each time it's picked up
  • Chainlink Fence Stackable
  • Chair Stackable
  • Counter Stackable
  • Diving Fins can be recycled
  • Diving Mask can be recycled
  • Diving Tank can be recycled
  • Door Controller Stackable
  • Double shotgun now requires two pipes and an additional 25metal fragments
  • DropBox Stackable
  • Electric Fuse Stackable
  • Electric Heater Stackable
  • Electrical Branch Stackable
  • Elevator Stackable
  • Flasher Light Stackable
  • Floor grill Stackable
  • Floor triangle grill Stackable
  • Fluid Combiner Stackable
  • Fluid Splitter Stackable
  • Greatly reduced the amount of dehydration when consuming anti-radiation pills
  • Hazmat suit can now be repaired
  • Hazmat suit now uses condition
  • Hide Vest protection rebalance
  • Hide Vest reduced crafting cost
  • Holosight workbench Tier 2
  • Hoodie crafting cost reduced
  • Hoodie protection rebalance
  • Igniter Stackable
  • Increased Long Sword condition
  • Increased Mace condition
  • Increased Machete condition
  • Increased Prison Cell Gate health
  • Increased Prison Cell Wall health
  • Increased rocket launcher deploy delay
  • Increased Salvaged axe crafting time
  • Increased Salvaged Cleaver condition
  • Increased Salvaged Sword condition
  • Large medkit now provides small amount of instant health
  • Large Solar Panel Stackable
  • Laser Detector Stackable
  • Launch site floodlight towers now have radiation
  • Long sleeve T-Shirt protection rebalance
  • Memory Cell Stackable
  • Nail gun reload time now matches animation (reloads slightly quicker)
  • OR Switch Stackable
  • Paddle no longer requires a workbench to be crafted
  • Prison Cell Wall Stackable
  • RAND Switch Stackable
  • Reduced 8x weapon attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Advanced ore tea yield to 35%
  • Reduced AND Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Assault Rifle crafting time
  • Reduced Audio Alarm crafting cost
  • Reduced Auto Turret crafting time
  • Reduced Bass crafting time
  • Reduced Beancan crafting time
  • Reduced bear rug crafting cost
  • Reduced Bed crafting time
  • Reduced Binoculars crafting cost
  • Reduced Blocker crafting cost
  • Reduced Bolt Action Rifle crafting time
  • Reduced Bone armour crafting cost
  • Reduced Bone Armor crafting time
  • Reduced Bone Helmet crafting cost
  • Reduced Bone Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Bucket Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced building planner crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Gloves crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Headwrap crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Shirt crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Shoes crafting time
  • Reduced Burlap Trousers crafting time
  • Reduced Button crafting cost
  • Reduced Clatter Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Coffee Can Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Computer Station crafting cost
  • Reduced Counter crafting cost
  • Reduced Cowbell crafting time
  • Reduced Custom SMG crafting time
  • Reduced Door Controller crafting cost
  • Reduced double armoured door crafting cost
  • Reduced Double Barrel Shotgun crafting time
  • Reduced double metal door crafting cost
  • Reduced Double Sign Post crafting cost
  • Reduced Double wooden door crafting cost
  • Reduced Electrical Branch crafting cost
  • Reduced Elevator crafting cost
  • Reduced F1 Grenade crafting time
  • Reduced Flame Thrower crafting time
  • Reduced Flame turret crafting time
  • Reduced Flame turret crafting time
  • Reduced Flasher Light crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Combiner crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Splitter crafting cost
  • Reduced Fluid Switch & Pump crafting cost
  • Reduced Flute crafting time
  • Reduced Gate external high stone crafting time
  • Reduced Gate external high wood-crafting time
  • Reduced Guitar crafting time
  • Reduced gunpowder crafting cost of landmine
  • Reduced HBHF Sensor crafting cost
  • Reduced HE grenade radius and damage
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Jacket crafting time
  • Reduced Heavy Plate Pants crafting time
  • Reduced Hide Vest crafting cost
  • Reduced Hitch and Trough crafting cost
  • Reduced Hitch and Trough crafting time
  • Reduced Holo sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Hoodie crafting cost
  • Reduced Hose Tool crafting cost
  • Reduced Huge Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Icepick crafting time
  • Reduced Igniter crafting cost
  • Reduced Incendiary 5.56 rifle ammo crafting time
  • Reduced Incendiary Pistol Bullet crafting time
  • Reduced Jerry Can Guitar crafting time
  • Reduced Kayak crafting cost
  • Reduced Key lock crafting cost
  • Reduced Key lock crafting time
  • Reduced Landmine crafting time
  • Reduced Landscape Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Landscape Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Lantern crafting time
  • Reduced Large Banner Hanging crafting time
  • Reduced Large Banner on pole crafting time
  • Reduced Large Furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Large furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Large medkit crafting cost
  • Reduced Large medkit crafting time
  • Reduced Large Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Large Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Large Solar Panel crafting cost
  • Reduced Large Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Large wooden storage box crafting time
  • Reduced Laser Detector crafting cost
  • Reduced Laser sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Longsword crafting cost
  • Reduced Longsword crafting time
  • Reduced Mace crafting time
  • Reduced Medical Syringe crafting time
  • Reduced Medium Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Medium Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Memory Cell crafting cost
  • Reduced Metal Chest Plate crafting time
  • Reduced Metal Facemask crafting time
  • Reduced metal Pickaxe crafting time
  • Reduced MP5 crafting time
  • Reduced Muzzle booster attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Muzzle break attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Oil Refinery crafting time
  • Reduced One Sided Town Sign Post crafting time
  • Reduced OR Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Portrait Photo Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Portrait Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Powered Water Purifier crafting cost
  • Reduced Prison Cell Gate crafting time
  • Reduced Prison Cell Wall crafting time
  • Reduced Prison Cell Wall reduced crafting cost
  • Reduced Prison Gate reduced crafting cost
  • Reduced Pump Shotgun crafting time
  • Reduced Pure ore tea yield to 50%
  • Reduced Python Revolver crafting time
  • Reduced RAND Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced reinforced glass window health (350)
  • Reduced Repair Bench crafting time
  • Reduced Research Table crafting cost
  • Reduced Research Table crafting time
  • Reduced Revolver crafting time
  • Reduced RF Broadcaster crafting cost
  • Reduced RF Pager crafting cost
  • Reduced Riot Helmet crafting time
  • Reduced Road sign jacket crafting cost
  • Reduced Road sign jacket crafting time
  • Reduced Road sign kilt crafting cost
  • Reduced Road sign kilt crafting time
  • Reduced Root Combiner crafting cost
  • Reduced Salvaged Cleaver crafting time
  • Reduced Salvaged Sword crafting time
  • Reduced Satchel crafting time
  • Reduced Search light crafting time
  • Reduced Sign Hanging crafting time
  • Reduced Silencer attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Simple sight attachment crafting time
  • Reduced Siren Light crafting cost
  • Reduced small furnace crafting time
  • Reduced Small Generator crafting cost
  • Reduced Small Rechargeable Battery crafting cost
  • Reduced Small Wooden Sign crafting time
  • Reduced Spinning Wheel crafting time
  • Reduced Splitter crafting cost
  • Reduced Sprinkler crafting cost
  • Reduced Stash crafting time
  • Reduced Stone spear crafting time
  • Reduced Stone Stone spear crafting cost
  • Reduced Stone tools craft time
  • Reduced Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced Tall Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced Tambourine crafting time
  • Reduced Tank Top crafting time
  • Reduced Tesla Coil crafting cost
  • Reduced Thompson crafting time
  • Reduced Tier 1 Workbench crafting time
  • Reduced Tier 2 Workbench crafting time
  • Reduced Tool Cupboard crafting time
  • Reduced Trumpet crafting time
  • Reduced Tuba crafting time
  • Reduced Tuba crafting time
  • Reduced Wall external high stone crafting time
  • Reduced Wall external high wood crafting time
  • Reduced Watchtower crafting cost
  • Reduced Watchtower crafting time
  • Reduced Water Barrel crafting time
  • Reduced Water catcher large crafting time
  • Reduced Water catcher small crafting time
  • Reduced Water pipe shotgun crafting cost
  • Reduced Water Pump crafting cost
  • Reduced Wind Turbine crafting cost
  • Reduced Wire Tool crafting cost
  • Reduced Wood Armor Pants crafting time
  • Reduced Wood Chestplate crafting time
  • Reduced Wood Storage Box crafting time
  • Reduced Wooden floor spikes crafting time
  • Reduced XL Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reduced XOR Switch crafting cost
  • Reduced XXL Picture Frame crafting time
  • Reinforced Glass Window renamed to Strengthened Glass window
  • Reinforced window bars health reduced (500)
  • Reinforced window bars now have glass
  • Reinforced window bars renamed to Reinforced Glass Window
  • Relaxed rug placement to allow deployment on ceilings again
  • Ripe potato plants yield more potatoes
  • Root Combiner Stackable
  • Scarecrow Stackable
  • Secret Lab Chair Stackable
  • Shirt collared requires cloth instead of leather
  • Shirt protection rebalance
  • Siren Light Stackable
  • Small oil refinery now uses similar deployment behaviour as the Large furnace
  • Small Stash Stackable
  • Smart Alarm Stackable
  • Smart Switch Stackable
  • Smoke grenade craftable and researchable (T2)
  • Smoke grenade now stacks to 3
  • Snap Trap Stackable
  • Snowman Stackable
  • Splitter Stackable
  • Sprinkler Stackable
  • Survival Fish Trap Stackable
  • Switch Stackable
  • T-shirt protection rebalance
  • Tank Top no longer requires workbench
  • Tank Top now requires cloth instead of leather
  • Tank Top protection rebalance
  • Tesla Coil Stackable
  • Timer Stackable
  • Wetsuit can be recycled
  • Wooden barricade cover no longer requires workbench
  • XOR Switch Stackable
  • Can now use Delete or Backspace in Code Lock UI
  • Planters will now slowly fill up with water when exposed to rain
  • Can now equip sunglasses with more face and head attire (including moustaches)
  • Added Phone Booths to Harbor, Supermarkets and Gas Stations
  • Added maxconnectionsperip server convar to limit the number of connections from the same IP (default=5)
  • Added build_terraincheck server convar to protect against exploits to build inside terrain (default=true)
  • Monument markers fall back to root game object name when phrase is not set
  • Added assets/bundled/prefabs/modding/monument_marker.prefab for custom map monument markers (displayed name is taken from the PrefabData "category" string)
  • Added support for maxreceivetime to Steam Networking (client perf)
  • Fixed async disconnect callback race condition in Steam Networking (could result in corrupt connection)
  • Optimized Steam Networking packet processing server overhead
  • Metal Embrasures now Workbench level 2
  • Glass Window now Workbench level 2
  • Garage door now Workbench level 2
  • RF Detonator now Workbench level 2
  • Rand Switch now Workbench level 2
  • Memory Cell now Workbench level 2
  • Laser Detector now Workbench level 2
  • Storage Monitor now Workbench level 2
  • Smart Switch now Workbench level 2
  • Smart Alarm now Workbench level 2
  • Tesla coil now Workbench level 2
  • Advanced Horse Shoes now Workbench level 2
  • Roadsign Horse armour now Workbench level 2
  • High External Gate now Workbench level 2
  • Saddle price reduced to 75 scrap
  • Boat cost reduced to 125 scrap
  • Rhib cost reduced to 300 scrap
  • Revamped Air supply crate
  • Updated APC event crate
  • Updated Attack helicopter event crate
  • Chainsaw never takes more than 3 attempts to start
  • Chainsaw uses 75% less fuel
  • Removed blueprint drops from barrels and crates

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