Path of Exile - Huge Sale on Weapons and Shields This Weekend - Halloween Sale

Huge Sale on Weapons and Shields This Weekend - Halloween Sale

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:10 PM PDT

: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Huge Sale on Weapons and Shields This Weekend - Halloween Sale

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 08:10 PM PDT

New Skill Effects - Celestial Dominating Blow, Demonic Eye Banner Skin
and Viper Molten Shell
We've just introduced three new Skill Effects. Check them out if Dominating Blow, Molten Shell or Banner Skills are part of your build or click here to get yours[].

Huge Sale on Weapons and Shields
This weekend we're running a sale on a huge selection of weapon skins, weapon effects and shields with more than 150 cosmetic effects available at discounted prices, including the Glimmerwood Shield[], Void Weapon Effect[], Temple Weapon[] and more. Please note that this sale excludes some of the weapon microtransactions introduced since the launch of the Heist expansion.

The sale will run from the time of this post until 8PM October 26th. Check out the full list of specials here[].

Halloween Sale Week
To celebrate Halloween, we're running a sale on a selection of gory and dark microtransactions, including Armour Sets, Cloaks, Skill Effects and more. The Halloween Sale will run for the whole week until 8PM October 29th.

Have a look at the sale here[]. Here is a list of everything that's available:

Thank you for your support!

Hideout Competition

Posted: 22 Oct 2020 02:05 PM PDT

If you enjoy creating hideouts or have an interesting concept you'd like to recreate in Path of Exile, be sure to participate in our new hideout competition! The winners will be rewarded with awesome prizes, including physical items and lots of hideout decorations for further creations!

Prize Pool
Top Three Winners
  • Custom avatar of a portion of the hideout
  • Hideout Competition Winner Forum Badge
  • Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb[], Shaper[], Untainted Paradise[] or Solaris/Lunaris[])
  • Signed Brutus Art Print
  • Foam Exalted Orb[]
  • Your choice of a Hideout from the list below
  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below
  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5
  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2
4th - 5th Place
  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)
  • Signed Brutus Art Print
  • Foam Exalted Orb
  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below
  • Hideout Decorations: Celestial Tree Decoration, Arcane Throne, Huntsman Building Supplies x2, Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, Black Statue x2, White Statue x2, Water Elemental Hideout Decoration x3, Fire Ball Pet, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Harlequin Apparition Environment Decoration, Ringmaster Fireworks Environment Decoration x2, Lightning Swarm Pet x2, Falling Leaves Decoration x5, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5
  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2
6th - 10th Place
  • Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaper, Untainted Paradise or Solaris/Lunaris)
  • Your choice of an Armour Set from the list below
  • Hideout Decorations: Mystic Building Supplies Decoration x2, White Statue x2, Ice Ball Pet, White Crystal Decoration x2, Wide Light Beam Decoration x5
  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2
11th - 30th Place
  • Hideout Bundle: Black Building Supplies x2, White Building Supplies x2, Wasteland Sandstorm Decoration x2, Wild Wind Effect x2, Oriath Citizen Decoration, Light Swarm Pet x2
Players who win a Hideout will be able to choose from the following list:
Players who win an Armour Set will be able to choose from the following list:
How to Enter
Pick a clear theme and create a hideout that clearly represents it. Post screenshots or a video in reply to this thread[] to enter. To submit a screenshot, just upload it to an image hosting site like, copy the address of the uploaded image and post it in this thread using IMG tags.
  • Your hideout must be created after the release of the Heist expansion.
  • Hideouts that have previously been featured in the Hideout Showcase news series or submitted to the Hideout Showcase forum are not eligible for entry.
  • Your hideout must be your own work.
  • Your hideout must be safe to showcase (nothing lewd or offensive).
  • Submit your hideout from the account that the hideout is on. Please leave the hideout intact until the judging is complete, so that we can check it.
  • Multiple submissions are welcome and encouraged!
Competition Times
The competition starts at the time of this post and will end on Monday the 16th of November at 9am (NZT). We'll announce the winners sometime in the days following this date. Winners will be chosen based on creativity and how well they've represented their chosen theme. To keep it fair, we will be selecting a mixture of hideouts with hideout decoration microtransactions and those without.

Best of luck to everyone! We can't wait to see what you create.

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