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PTS Updates | A Tigron's Tale

Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:04 AM PST


Thank you to those who played our Public Test Servers for A Tigron's Tale. The Evil Mojo dev team was able to use feedback from the community to help polish everything before release in 2020. Here is a complete list for you all of bug fixes and balance changes made to our PTS.

Bug Fixes

Champion Specific Bug Fixes
  • Androxus
    • Fixed a description error on Androxus' Quick Draw card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Featherweight card did not function.
  • Ash
    • Fixed an issue where Ska'drin Ash had the incorrect Rarity border color.
    • Fixed an issue where Ska'drin Ash did not have an acquisition notification.
    • Fixed an issue where Shoulder Bash would knock Players back in the direction Ash was facing rather than the direction Ash was dashing.
  • Atlas
    • Fixed an issue where the Phantom Pain card was reducing the cooldown of Setback instead of Stasis Field when it would activate.
  • Barik
    • Fixed an issue where the Double-Time card did not function.
    • Fixed an issue where the Field Deploy card did not function.
    • Fixed an issue with the One Man's Scrap card would activate if Barik destroyed his own Turret by placing a third Turret on the map.
    • Fixed a description error on Barik's Double-Time card.
    • Fixed a description error on Barik's Bowling Ball card.
    • Updated the text on the Double-Time card to read less ambiguously.
  • Buck
    • Fixed a description error on Buck's Ensnare Talent.
    • Fixed an issue with the Exhilarate card's internal cooldown not activating properly in all scenarios.
    • Fixed an issue where Buck had an Evie loadout as a default loadout.
  • Cassie
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where the Tinder skin was displaying as the Timber skin.
  • Drogoz
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where granting Drogoz ammo from another source while firing Salvo would cause him to fire up to 5 additional Salvo shots.
  • Evie
    • Fixed an issue where Evie had a Buck loadout as a default loadout.
  • Grover
    • Fixed an issue where Seeping Corruption Grover was using some of Soul Briar Grover's textures instead of the correct textures.
    • Fixed an issue where Seeping Corruption and Soul Briar Grover's leaves and orb VFX would persist in world instead of cleaning up properly when Grover died to a source that produced a unique death FX on his model.
    • Fixed a description error on Grover's Fatalis card.
    • Fixed a description error on Grover's Heavenly Agility card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Soul Briar and Seeping Corruption Grover skins displayed Temp Art instead of their proper Cart Art on the Loading Screen.
    • Fixed an issue where Vine could target enemy Players, fire, and not pull Grover.
  • Imani
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where playing a game as Imani would not progress the "Cry
    • Havoc!" Daily Quest (Play 2 games as a Damage Champion).
    • Fixed an issue where using VGS while playing as the Dragon would play the Default Voice Pack.
  • Jenos
    • Fixed an issue where Jenos' Astral Mark VFX would not display above teammates' heads while being healed by that ability.
  • Khan
    • Fixed an issue where the Shield Wall card was giving the incorrect increased Shield Health card per rank.
    • Fixed an issue where the Shield Wall card was drastically increasing Bulwark's recharge rate for each rank of the card equipped.
  • Kinessa
    • Fixed an issue where the Internal Cooldown for the Restore card was reducing by less than the intended amount per rank of the card.
  • Koga
    • [Live] Fixed an issue with Koga's Gale Storm card description.
    • Updated effective range of Submachine Guns in the Advanced description of the ability to be the correct value.
    • Fixed an issue where Koga would play incorrect animations if he used his Ultimate while in Dragon Stance.
  • Lian
    • Fixed an issue where Dark Monarch and Death Goddess Lian had the incorrect Rarity border colors.
    • Fixed an issue where Dark Monarch and Death Goddess Lian did not have acquisition notifications.
  • Mal'Damba
    • Fixed a description error with Mal'Damba's Snake Pit card.
    • Fixed an issue where the second of two Gourds placed on top of the first Gourd to heal the same teammate would not have any effect on that teammate.
    • Fixed an issue where if Mal'Damba stacked two Gourds on the same target at the same time, the second Gourd would not heal the target.
  • Pip
    • Fixed an issue where Weapon Shots would heal for 750 instead of 700 with the Combat Medic Talent equipped.
    • Fixed a description error with Pip's Acrobat's Trick card.
  • Ruckus
    • Fixed an issue where the Flux Generator Talent provided less shielding than what was listed.
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where activating Missile Launcher while reloading would incorrectly interrupt Ruckus' reload.
    • Fixed a description error with the Quick Loader card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Quick Loader card was still requiring eliminations to activate.
    • Updated tracer offset for Pirate's Treasure and Eight Oceans Ruckus
  • Seris
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where Convergence could pull enemies through the map and kill them on Frog Isle.
    • Fixed an issue with Seris' Restore Soul ability still healing the initial target for 2000 health over 1.5s.
    • Fixed a description error for Restore Soul.
    • Fixed an issue where Restore Soul's Area-of-Effect heal was healing for less than the intended amount.
  • Sha Lin
    • Fixed an issue where a Player hit by Crippling Arrow and then hit into a wall by a knockback effect for the rest of the game would stun the Player.
    • Fixed an issue where Crippling Arrow was silencing at base instead of crippling. Due to this fix, the Recurve and Sand Trap talents have been re-enabled and can be selected in matches.
    • Fixed an issue where the Windwall card would not function properly.
    • Fixed an issue where Sha Lin could silence CC Immune targets with Crippling Arrow while the Desert Silence talent was equipped.
    • Updated several card descriptions with the correct Ability names.
    • Fixed an issue where Sha Lin's stealth did not reapply to himself in 1P after his first Weapon Shot in Heat Haze.
    • Fixed an issue where the explosion of the Sand Trap Talent was not dealing 100 damage to affected targets.
    • Fixed description errors with the Windwall, Strike True, Run Them Down, and Mirage cards.
    • Fixed an issue where the Run Them Down card did not function as intended.
    • Fixed an issue where the Mirage card did not function as intended.
    • Fixed an issue where the explosion from the Sand Trap talent would not display the Cripple VFX on the Champion's model for the duration of the Cripple.
  • Skye
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where Smoke Screen's radius would not display properly when the Twilight skin was used.
    • Fixed an issue where the Smoke and Dagger talent did not describe that it gave Smoke Screen base healing to allies.
    • Fixed an issue where Skye's stealth audio was too loud for allies.
  • Strix
    • Added Burning VFX to targets hit by Talon Rifle while Strix had the Crack Shot talent equipped in 1P.
    • Added the Burning HUD icon to targets hit by Talon Rifle while Strix had the Crack Shot talent equipped in 1P.
  • Talus
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where Talus' Ultimate animation would get temporarily get stuck in 1P if Talus did not hit an enemy with it.
    • Fixed an issue where Trick or Treat Talus' costume eyes were missing their pupils, making the skin seem creepy instead of amusing.
    • Fixed a description error with the Dark Vision card.
  • Terminus
    • Fixed a description error on Terminus' Abomination card.
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where the effects of the It Follows card would not persist after a round ended in Siege until the Player expended Calamity Charges and acquired new ones.
    • [Live] Fixed and issue where the effects of the Strength of Stone card would not persist after a round ended in Siege until the Player expended Calamity Charges and acquired new ones.
    • Fixed a description error with the Blood and Stone card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Blood and Stone card was not providing the intended amount of Power Siphon charge per rank of the card.
  • Tiberius
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius' Honed Senses card would grant him Ultimate Charge when using Combat Trance in the Spawn Room before Round Start.
    • Fixed an issue where the World-Traveler card did not have an internal cooldown on its effect. This card has been re-enabled and can be added to Loadouts.
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius' Vicious Assault talent would not display damage numbers when Crouching Tigron hits an enemy.
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius would float briefly when jumping as soon as he landed from Crouching Tigron.
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius' Bragging Rights card would activate when Tiberius hit Shields and Deployables with Weapon Shots.
    • Fixed an issue where Crouching Tigron could rarely not go on cooldown if you jump immediately upon landing.
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius could not use his Default Emote.
    • Fixed an issue where Heavy Blade would not damage CC Immune targets.
    • Fixed an issue where there was no visual feedback of the effective radius of Tiberius' damage with Crouching Tigron using the Vicious Assault Talent.
    • Fixed an issue with animations breaking if you activate Blade Dance while jumping with Crouching Tigron.
    • Fixed an issue where Tiberius' Weapon Shots would not destroy the Targets in the Shooting Range.
    • Fixed an issue where the Tigron's Fury talent did not describe that the throw and explosion of Heavy Blade had different values using the Talent compared to the ability's base values.
    • Fixed an issue with a client-server desync regarding Weapon Shots getting locked out temporarily after exploding Heavy Blade with the Tigron's Fury talent equipped.
      Updated ability descriptions for clarity and correct grammar.
    • Fixed a description error with the Primal Haste card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Tigron's Fury talent was making Heavy Blade deal significantly more damage than intended.
    • Fixed an issue where Striking Tigron (Tiberius' Primary Fire in Ultimate) had the potential to hit the same enemy multiple times in the same cast of the ability.
  • Torvald
    • Fixed an issue where the Direct Current talent was not correctly doubling Nullify's range.
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where Torvald's Nullify would remain locked onto a dead Champion's model until it completed casting in Spectator.
  • Tyra
    • Updated the effective range of Auto Rifle in the Advanced description of the ability to be the correct value.
  • Viktor
    • Fixed a description error with the Guerrilla Warfare card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Guerrilla Warfare card did not function properly.
  • Willo
    • Fixed a description error with the Blastflower Talent.
    • Fixed an issue where the Weapon Shot damage scaling with the Blastflower Talent was greater than intended.
  • Ying
    • Fixed an issue where Illusions were untextured during Shatter or while dying on non-Mermaid/Siren skins.
  • Zhin
    • Fixed an issue where the Embers card lost a tick of the card's effect at every rank of the card.
    • Fixed an issue where the Viciousness card did not function properly.

  • Multiple
    • [Live] Fixed an issue where Players could see enemy silhouettes if they had line of sight of the enemy if the enemy Cassie and Maeve both had their Ultimates active at the same time.

General Bug Fixes

  • [Live] Fixed an issue where Ranked bans would disappear from the UI if Players opened and closed the Settings menu in the Match Lobby.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where there was a non-functional callout to turn on Auto-Purchase Items on Gamepad when in the Item Shop in-game.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where the Notifications icon displayed while using a Gamepad despite not being able to navigate to its location with the Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the Interstellar Crisis spray had a white box surrounding it.
    Attempted to address the issue where Players could get stuck with the VGS Default View menu stuck on their screen during a match.
    • If this still occurs for you, please let us know so we can continue to work on this issue.
  • Fixed an issue where 3D Sprays from the Community Battle Pass would not display in the Battle Pass Menu, Accessories screen, or in match.
  • Fixed an issue where the VFX circle surrounding the payload denoting its push radius was too small.
  • Updated the list of Former Champions' names in the Credits.
  • Fixed an issue where leaving a Default Loadout screen without making any changes to the
  • Loadout would complete the "Make a Loadout" quest.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI denoting the "Make a Loadout" quest path was red instead of blue.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Make a Loadout" quest tab would not display the quest rewards.
  • Fixed an issue where Mastery Rewards were displaying as purchasable even if you did not meet Mastery Level requirements for that Champion.
  • Added "Summon Mount" to list of customizable Bindings in the Settings menu, defaulting to Left Shift.
  • Fixed an issue where certain messages in the Battle Pass screen referred to the previous Battle Pass instead of the current Battle Pass.
  • Fixed an issue where the skin icons in the Battle Pass were not framed properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Play # Siege Match(es)" challenges not progressing properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the "Play # matches as Lian" challenges not progressing properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Heal for 200,000 as Skye" challenge was progressing at a rate of 1 per match instead of the correct rate.
  • Fixed an issue where the Free Track of the Battle Pass only had 425 Crystals available. It now correctly has 450 Crystals.
  • Fixed an issue where the VGS menu could get stuck on a Player's screen at the start of a game.
  • Fixed an issue where the center of the VGS wheel using the Default setting would be highlighted in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the Responses section of the Chatter submenu of VGS was in the incorrect location on Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Cancel That" message in the VGS menu still displayed as if "No" was merged in its VGS command on Keyboard and Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where "Help!/Need Healing!" and "Ultimate Status" messages were truncated when using the Default or Radial VGS Input Types.
  • Fixed an issue where Top Play did not display 1P visuals for the Players viewing the Top Play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Title unlock messaging was not displaying on the Battle Pass Challenges page.
  • Fixed an issue where the Rewards section of the Challenges screen did not display a Reward message.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where a Player's Sort preference on the Champions menu did not persist between matches or after closing and reopening the client.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where the Ability Description screen in match did not display properly on some resolutions and aspect ratios.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where some 3D sprays played at Map Origin rather than above or next to the Player as intended.
  • [Live] Fixed an issue where the Player would lose focus in match and would not be able to progress through the Talent Select UI properly if their Settings menu was open when the Match Lobby transitioned to the Loading Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where opening one of the Default Loadouts in the Edit Loadout menu and not actually editing any values or cards in the Loadout could get the Player into a state where that Loadout would be unselectable for the rest of the game session. This issue could occur while editing said Loadouts in the Shooting Range or in the Champions menu.
  • Fixed an issue with the chat message that displayed when using the "Objective" VGS command being different depending on whether Keyboard and Mouse or Gamepad used that command.
  • Removed the temporary "Misc/Content" section from the Text VGS Input Type on Keyboard and Mouse and Gamepad. All items in that section of the VGS are still accessible and usable from the Cosmetic Wheel.
  • Fixed an issue where purchasing the Battle Pass, or levels in the Battle Pass, would play the previous Battle Pass' music.
  • Fixed an issue where the titles listed on the Battle Pass Challenge screen were incorrect.
  • Updated copyright date on the Loading Splash to display the year 2020.
  • Updated the Credits page! Added more Former Champions and filled out other sections to include more people who have helped make Paladins what it is today :)
  • Fixed an issue where the Notifications window could get stuck and would be unable to be closed in the End-of-Match Lobby if the Player left the VGS window open until the end of Top Play.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Pass Level-Up window could get stuck and would be unable to be closed in the End-of-Match Lobby if the Player left the VGS window open until the end of Top Play.
  • Fixed an issue where Whispers sent to another Player while both were in match would not display for either Player.
  • Fixed an issue where a Player attempting to back out to the Main Menu from the Play - Custom screen would cause their client to freeze.
  • Fixed an issue where the Season Pass was not granting owners all Tiberius items that it should have.
  • Fixed further issues where Players could get locked in menus after a match when having VGS open at the end of the Top Play.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Yes" VGS line played no audio when using Keyboard.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Completed" VGS line played audio for "Chase the Enemy" on Keyboard and Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Wait" VGS line played audio for "On my way" on Gamepad and "You're welcome" on Keyboard.
  • Fixed an issue where the Tactics submenu option was only hoverable on a delay using the Radial VGS input type on Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the deselect delay was not applying to submenus of the VGS Wheel when using the Radial VGS input type on Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the text of a hovered item on the VGS Wheel was difficult to see when using the Radial VGS input type.
  • Added a callout on the Radial VGS input type to better clarify what button allows you to select an item on the VGS Wheel on Gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Passport was not purchasable.

All Other Bug Fixes

  • [Live][Audio] Fixed an issue where music would not play during the Street Style roaming emotes for Skye, Ying, Maeve, and Ash.
  • [Live][Avatars] Fixed an issue where Players could not equip the Unrelenting Avatar.
  • [Live][Avatars] Fixed an issue where the art for the Unrelenting Avatar displayed incorrectly.
  • [Live][Khan] Fixed an issue where if you did not take damage from being thrown by Khan's Ultimate and then you walked into a wall, you would take the damage and be knocked back as if you were thrown into that wall.
  • [Live][Moji] Fixed an issue where if Moji used her Ultimate on a CC Immune enemy, they would be Damage Immune for 4 seconds.

  • [Announcer] Fixed various issues with the First Mate Announcer Pack.
  • [Avatars] Fixed issues with Time Warp Avatars' descriptions.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed some items on the Battle Pass track showing incorrect Crystal or Gold prices next to the Purchase button.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed various Challenges that were not updating.
  • [Battle Pass] Changed some Challenges' functionality slightly to make them completable.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed various text issues with Challenges and updated others to reflect changes in functionality.
  • [Battle Pass] Cleaned up various UI items on the Battle Pass menu.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed an issue where the 5% Personal Booster item had the wrong naming convention.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed an issue where Players would get pop-up acquisitions for skins in addition to the full screen pop-up when unlocking those skins in the Battle Pass.
  • [Battle Pass] Added missing item "Battle Pass Team Booster x10" to the Free Track of the Battle Pass at Level 4.
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed an issue where acquisitions in the Activity Center for items on the Paid Battle Pass Track were displaying as doubled (Players would still get the correct amounts).
  • [Battle Pass] Fixed an issue where highlighting an item in the first tier of the Battle Pass with a Gamepad would display the wrong item.
  • [Champions] Fixed various issues with several Champion Ability descriptions, and updated other descriptions for clarity.
  • [Champions] Fixed an issue where a Champion's Emotes could play in other tabs of the Champions menu.
  • [Chests] Fixed an issue where obtaining Omega Zhin from the Robotic Chest did not show him as Owned in the Chest UI.
  • [Customs] Fixed an issue where the text "SettingSpectators" was visible on the Custom Lobby scene.
  • [EOML] Fixed an issue where attempting to access settings in the End-of-Match Lobby would not show all Settings screens.
  • [KOTH] Fixed an issue where Capture Point marker diamond would not accurately display location of Capture Point within 15m when you were at a different elevation than the Capture Point.
  • [KOTH] Fixed an issue where Players would have Damage Immunity in Spawn Areas on Trade District and Snowfall Junction KOTH.
  • [Main Menu] Fixed an issue where the Champion Models on the main menu would occasionally display their animations weirdly and "pop" on screen.
  • [Profile] Fixed an issue where equipping a Title did not display on a Player's Mini-Profile until they also equipped an Avatar.
  • [Profile] Fixed an issue where Mounts were too close to the camera in the Accessories menu.
  • [Profile] Fixed an issue where the backgrounds of the Mounts and the Death Stamps screens in the Accessories menu were displaying incorrectly.
  • [Profile] Fixed an issue where, while on the Mounts tab of the Accessories menu, a Player could use the Left Arrow on screen and cause the Mount to stay on screen in some scenarios.
  • [Settings] Fixed an issue where Gyro settings would display on platforms that did not have Gyro capabilities when Gamepad was the Input Type.
  • [Social] Fixed an issue where the percentage for Party Boost had too many decimal points visible.
  • [Sprays] Fixed an issue where the Jolly Roger Spray used the Dead Man's Crest model.
  • [UI] Fixed various issues with UI display in 16:10 Aspect Ratio.
  • [UI] Updated UI on Quests and Social screens.
  • [UI] Updated text alignment on various buttons in the Champions menu.
  • [UI] Updated the scroll bar for scrolling through skins, etc in the Champions menu.
  • [UI] Updated the icon that displays when you have Friend Requests.
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where players could not equip cosmetics in the Champions screen without owning the Champion.
  • [UI] Updated the icons on tabs in the End-of-Match Lobby.
  • [UI] Fixed an issue on Cosmetics tabs of the Champions menu where the rarity color banner would not display sometimes on items when scrolling.
  • [UI] Fixed an issue where some unobtainable items were displaying without lock icons in the Champions screen.


  • Cauterize
    • Reduced duration 2s -> 1.5s
    • Increased Price Scaling 250 -> 300

    • Siege Shield
      • Increased shield health 3,500 → 4,250

      • Barricade
        • Increased shield health 3,000 → 3,750
      • Field Deploy
        • Reduced healing {60|60} → {30|30}
      • One Man's Scrap (Card)
        • Reduced cooldown reduction scaling 10%|10% -> 6%|6%

        • Salvo
          • Reduced damage increase on shields 200% -> 100%

          • Shield
            • Increased shield health 5,000 → 5,500

            • Kindle Soul
              • Reduced cooldown 4s → 3s
            • Solar Blessing (Talent)
              • Reduced Pyre Strike slow 40% -> 30%
            • Solar Blessing (Talent)
              • Reduced Healing per tick 300 -> 150

              • Blossom
                • Increased Healing 750 -> 800

                • FrostFire Glide
                  • Increased ability to move vertically during this ability
                  • Increased base speed of this ability
                  • Reduced speed reduction while turning with this ability
                • Dragon's Call
                  • Reduced Dragon's Health 7,500 -> 6,000

                  • Guardian Spirit
                    • Reduced Luna's Health 4,500 -> 4,000

                    • Bulwark
                      • Increased shield health 3,000* → 4250
                        *originally listed as 3,500 on patch notes

                      • Shell Shield
                        • Increase shield health 3,000 → 3,750
                      • Dredge Anchor
                        • Increased cooldown 12s → 15s

                        • Gourd
                          • Reduced Healing per tick 60 -> 50

                          • Shadow Travel
                            • Reduced post-fire lockout 0.5s -> 0.3s

                            Sha Lin
                            • Desert Silence (Talent)
                              • Reduced base Silence 2s -> 1.5s

                              • Smoke and Dagger (Talent)
                                • Reduced Healing 200/s -> 190/s
                              • Healing Vapors (Card)
                                • Reduced Healing 135|135 -> 125|125

                                • Blade Dance (Striking Tigron)
                                  • Reduced damage per dash 750 → 650
                                  • Increased post-fire timer 0.4s → 0.7s
                                • Tigron's Fury
                                  • Increased explosion damage to match Heavy Blade's base 800 → 850
                                • Making the Cut
                                  • Changed card functionality to be "Heal for {40|40} for each enemy hit by Heavy Blade."
                                • Blade Dance (Striking Tigron)
                                  • Reduced post-fire lockout 0.7s -> 0.55s


                                • Smolder (Talent)
                                  • Reduced Healing per second 33% -> 25%

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